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Update to the CSWIP Welding Inspection Scheme

Mon, 03 June, 2024

The CSWIP Visual Welding Inspector, Welding Inspector and Senior Welding Inspector certification scheme is one of the most requested certifications by industry. It plays an integral role providing competence assurance to employers of the knowledge and skill of their welding inspection personnel.

The Welding Inspection certification scheme is managed by the Welding Specialist and Practitioner Management Committee (WSPMC), consisting of industry stakeholders, from companies such as Rolls-Royce, Essar Oil and Gas, and National Grid Gas plc. They provide direct, and unique, insight into the latest developments and requirements within industry; ensuring that the CSWIP schemes they manage continue to meet these needs, and remain, a reliable and credible source, by which to distinguish the competence of personnel.

We undertake regular reviews of all our schemes, and we are pleased to announce that the CSWIP Welding Inspection scheme has undergone a successful review and update by the WSPMC. Full changes can be found in our summary of changes document available on the CSWIP Welding Inspection Scheme page, while a brief summary of the main changes are listed below:

  • New practical exam procedure for initial exams for CSWIP Visual Welding Inspectors and CSWIP Welding Inspectors.
  • New procedure for candidates who fail their ten-year recertification of the CSWIP Senior Welding Inspector examination.

From 01 June 2024 any candidates sitting a CSWIP Welding Inspection initial or recertification examination (at any level) will be sitting the examination as per the new scheme document and successful candidates will be certified under the new scheme. 

Full details about the CSWIP Welding Inspection Scheme can be found on its dedicated webpage

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