Mon, 23 August, 2021
You may be familiar with CSWIP for personnel certification, but did you realise that this area of industry-based standards is provided through TWI Certification Ltd (TWI CL), the TWI Group company which is responsible for delivering both personnel and company certification?
TWI CL has recently launched a brand new website designed to make it easier to find out about personnel and company certification, and how individuals and organisations can apply for, and benefit from, industry-based certification. But before you pay the new website a visit, if you haven’t already, below is an overview of TWI CL’s history and services.
Established over 25 years ago and accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS) to ISO/IEC 17024: General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons and ISO/IEC 17065: Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services, TWI CL exemplifies the independence and impartiality required to deliver certification in accordance with international standards.
TWI CL provides personnel competence assurance certification, via its CSWIP and BGAS-CSWIP certification schemes. These certifications provide employer confidence in their compliance with current standards, and offers assurance that staff are competent to deliver the products or service required. Additionally they operate welder qualifications and testing (WPQR and WPS), which provides industry with the assurance of the competence of their production welding activities. For the construction industry its Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) which provides the proof of knowledge and skill required to work on construction sites within the UK. While its approval as an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) means it has a vested interest in ensuring the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the next generation of engineers. For EWF/IIW Diploma holders, its Personnel Certification Scheme (PCS), provides an opportunity demonstrate competence through their currency, recency and commitment to continuous professional development.
Its company certification products, provide certification for manufacturers in accordance with international standards, such as ISO 3834, EN 1090, EN 15085 and ISO 17782. These products, Welding Fabricator Certification Scheme (WFCS) Conformity Assessment of the Execution of Steel and Aluminium Structures (CAESAS), Certification for Welding of Railway Vehicles and Components (CWRVC) and Certification of Manufacture of Special Materials (CMSM) have a direct relationship to the success and profitability of companies worldwide by enabling them to show compliance with European and International product standards. While its Certification Scheme for Welding Training Organisations (CSWTO) enables Further Education and Training Providers, to demonstrate the high standard of welding and fabrication training and development available.
TWI CL certifications are an integral source of third-party certification. They provide assurance to industry of the competence and compliance of its people, products and procedures and act as a comprehensive source of client confidence and industry compliance on a worldwide scale.
So, with some much on offer from TWI CL, don’t forget to bookmark the new TWI CL website so that you can keep up-to-date with developments, and catch the latest news on a regular basis by liking, connecting or following us on our social media pages!
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• Facebook: TWI Certification Ltd