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Topside and Underwater Inspection

CSWIP provides a range of certifications for those working both underwater, topside and offshore. These certifications provide industry with the assurance that their inspectors are competent in both underwater inspection and non-destructive testing. It is also possible to add specialised tests depending on the particular needs of the candidate, employer or client, such as concrete inspection and A-Scan endorsement.

The CSWIP Underwater Inspector Scheme is divided into two certifications enabling entry, and a means of progression, from basic knowledge and skills to greater responsibilities in inspection and testing. It is then possible to progress further and become more specialised as a CSWIP ROV Inspector or CSWIP Underwater Inspection Controller.

Certification of Underwater (Diver) Inspectors

CSWIP-DIV-7-95 - Part 1, 7th Edition, June 2024

Certification of ROV Inspectors and Underwater Inspection Controllers

CSWIP-DIV-7-95 Part 2, 4th Edition, April 2018

Certification for Visual Inspectors for Upstream Oil and Gas Production Plant

CSWIP-DIV-9-03, 5th Edition, September 2011


All CSWIP applicants and certificate holders are required to comply with the CSWIP rules.



Registration is an exclusive opportunity for CSWIP Underwater Inspector Grade 3.3U and 3.4U certificate holders to gain professional recognition as a Technician (TechWeldI) member of The Welding Institute.


Renewal and Recertification

Details of how to recertify your CSWIP Underwater Inspector Grade 3.1U and 3.2U as well your ROV Inspector and Underwater Inspection Controller certificate can be found on our dedicated recertification page.


Details of how to renew and/or recertify your CSWIP Visual Inspector for Upstream Oil and Gas can be found on our dedicated renewal and recertification page.


Approved Training Bodies

If you would like to find a training provider offering these courses in your area, please view our list of Approved Training Providers and contact them for further details.

List of Approved Training Providers

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